正选阶段:6月12日9:00- 6月16日12:00
课程代码 | 课程名称 | 学分 | 课程信息 | 先修课要求 |
U02L12204S | 电磁相互作用 Electromagnetic Interactions | 1.0 | 课程介绍: 电磁相互作用,自然界的四种基本相互作用之一。课程简要介绍相对论波方程、电子动力学、电磁波中的电荷和电荷辐射等知识。
Course introduction: Electromagnetic interaction is one of the four Fundamental interaction in nature. The course briefly introduces knowledge such as relativistic wave equations, electron dynamics, charge and charge radiation in electromagnetic waves. | 高等数学和大学物理 Higher mathematics and college physics |
U02L12206S | 热工学与能源转换 Thermal Engineering and Energy Conversion | 1.5 | 课程介绍: 本课程将说明热工学领域包括热力学以及传热学的基础概念与其各种能源转化过程中的作用和应用。除课程知识外,还将与同学们分享朱宁教授课题组在清洁能源转换和生成再生能源燃料方面的最新研究成果。
Course introduction: This lecture offers an introduction to advanced topics in thermal engineering and their applications to energy conversions. Except that the latest research achievements related to clean energy conversion and synthesis of sustainable energy fuel by Prof. Ning Zhu’s group will be shared with the students. | / |
U02M12532S | 空间推进原理 Fundamentals of Space Propulsion | 1.0 | 课程介绍: 讲解空天运输系统中液体火箭发动机的应用、需求及简单的工作原理,介绍液体火箭发动机循环方式、供给系统、涡轮泵、燃气发生器以及推力室的工作原理和设计方法,空间卫星和电推进以及燃烧不稳定等。
Course introduction: The course explains the application, demand and simple working principle of liquid-propellant rocket in aerospace transportation system, introduce the working principle and design method of circulation mode, supply system, turbine pump, gas generator and thrust chamber of liquid-propellant rocket, space satellite, electric propulsion and combustion instability. | / |
U02M12539S | 等离子体物理及电推进 Plasma Physics and Electric Propulsion | 1.0 | 课程介绍: 本课程包含两部分:等离子体物理和电推力器。第一部分讲解电推进的物理基础,例如等离子体产生与扩散等,第二部分讲电推力器原理、结构和性能特征及实验和数值模拟研究。
Course introduction: The course consists of two parts; plasma physics and electric propulsion thrusters. The first part lectures fundamentals of plasma physics for EP, such as plasma generation, plasma as particles, and diffusion. The second part focuses on variety of EP thrusters and their operational principle and performance estimation model as well as the expanding EP flying missions and the requirement on EP systems. | 航天推进导论 Introduction of space propulsion |
U02M12541S | 燃烧化学基础 Fundamentals of Combustion Chemistry | 1.0 | 课程介绍: 讲述开发碳氢燃料以及含氧碳氢燃料的详细化学反应动力机理的方法。
Course introduction: This course provides an introduction to the development of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms to describe the oxidation of hydrocarbon and oxygenated hydrocarbon fuels. | / |
U02M12542S | 颗粒技术与工程 Particle Technology and Engineering | 2.5 | 课程介绍: 颗粒技术与工程是一门交叉学科,在能源动力与环境等领域有着越来越重要的应用。
Course introduction: Particle technology and engineering are an interdisciplinary subject with increasingly important applications in fields such as energy, power and environment. | / |
U02M12543S | 可持续性能源转换 Sustainable Energy Conversion | 1.5 | 课程介绍: 包括工程热力学的高级主题及其在工程热过程中的应用。
Course introduction: This elective module provides an introduction to advanced topics in engineering thermodynamics and their applications to engineering thermal processes. | / |
U02M12544S | 结构振动理论及其应用(英) Theory of Structural Vibration and Its Applications | 1.0 | 课程介绍: 主要讲述单自由度和多自由度系统的振动问题,介绍结构振动分析的基础理论、基本方法和典型工程应用案例。
Course introduction: This course covers Free Vibration and Forced Vibration of single-degree-of-freedom and multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Both fundamental theories and basic methods of structural vibration analysis are introduced. |
Differential equations and linear algebra |
U02L12202S | 小型探空火箭设计(英) Design of a Small Sounding Rocket | 1.5 | 详情参见: Please click link and know more details: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OIER_zcvuRGuHalrKxThAg
U02L12208S | 航天杂谈 Talk of Aerospace | 1.5 |